Winning combinations

From time to time, we recognise that you have to deal with transactions where cover is required for more than one title defect. To help with this situation, and to make life a little easier, we’ve devised a range of the most common combined policies.

Not only does this save you having to obtain multiple quotes for the same property, but it can also save your client money, thanks to our combined cover discount. And to make things as clear as possible for your client, our policy summaries outline the multiple risks that are covered.

Arranging one of our combined policies couldn’t be easier. Simply sign in to ICON, our online service, where you can obtain immediate quotes for over 90 combined covers, including:

  • Planning Permission, Building Regulations, and Restrictive Covenants
  • No Search and Contaminated Land
  • Restrictive Covenants and Mining/Mineral Rights
  • Access and Services risks (including septic tanks)
  • Missing Mortgagee Protection Clause and Housing Act (lender only)
  • Flying Freehold and Lack of Pedestrian Access
  • Services and Outstanding Rights

However, not all policies can be combined and where two covers are incompatible, e.g. they have different periods of insurance, we take a different approach. To ensure the cover remains as clear as possible, we offer separate policies but crucially, still with the benefit of a ‘combined covers’ discount. So if you can’t find the combination you need, just give us a call.

For your next combined quote, sign in to ICON, talk to one of our expert underwriters on 01603 761515, or email