Newsline - Spring 2024

You’ll find the articles featured in our Spring 2024 newsletter right here.

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New legislation but no change to our Building Regulations policies

As the introduction of the Building Safety Act 2022 starts to take effect, we’ve been contacted by several conveyancers wondering whether the new legislation will impact the availability or the price of our BREGS policies. Happily, the answer is no, it won’t. Nothing has changed from our perspective and our policies remain available and unaltered, and the same is also true for our premiums.

Claims case study: Tales of the unexpected

No two claims on legal indemnity policies are ever the same. Some can be sorted out quickly, while others can take months, or even years to resolve and involve pay-outs running into hundreds of thousands of pounds.

Bank of Mum and Dad causes concern for lenders

We’re all familiar with how important financial support from family members has become for young people saving for a deposit to buy their first home. Last year that support reached record levels, with house buyers receiving over £8 billion worth of lending from parents, grandparents and other family members!

Winning combinations

From time to time, we recognise that you have to deal with transactions where cover is required for more than one title defect. To help with this situation, and to make life a little easier, we’ve devised a range of the most common combined policies.

Hassle-free payments for your legal indemnities

At Isis, we’re always looking for ways to simplify the process of obtaining legal indemnity policies, even down to how you pay for them.