Don’t get tied up in knots

According to new research published recently, two thirds (63%) of homebuyers would sue a seller who had failed to declare the presence of Japanese Knotweed on a property before they bought it.

But surprisingly, the YouGov survey also found that, despite this willingness to take legal action after finding knotweed, more than half (53%) wouldn’t carry out sufficient checks for its presence before selling their own property, and 14% would do nothing at all – essentially leaving themselves open to the risk of future legal action.

A number of high-profile rulings this year have demonstrated an increasing likelihood of a new homeowner going to court to recover the costs of treating knotweed; but the cases have also highlighted the long delays and costs involved in following this route.

Having a Japanese knotweed policy in place not only provides peace of mind for your client when they’re buying a property, but in the case of knotweed being discovered, it’s also a more immediate way to resolve the issue. As our policies are issued on a strictly ‘no blame’ basis, there’s no delay in handling, and ultimately settling, a claim. Our Claims team begin addressing the knotweed problem for the homeowner immediately.

We cover the costs of treating the infestation, repairing any damage the weed might have caused, and legal defence expenses if the weed has spread to a neighbouring property. We will also cover any reduction in market value, resulting from a claim, if your client sells the property in the future.    

Our policy isn’t limited only to Japanese knotweed - cover includes both Bohemian and Giant knotweed hybrid species, and premiums start from as little as £67 for a £100,000 policy limit.

To get a quote or find out more, call our team on 01603 761515, email, or go to the Products page.